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Jack Henry & Associates

This integrated digital campaign included microsite, email campaign, social media messaging, and downloadable product briefs. Microsite. Card Processing white paper. Product brochure: Commercial Lending Center Suite​. Product briefs: Check Printing. Same Day ACHRemit Plus ExpressRemote Deposit Capture. Business-to-Vendor Payments.  White paper:  Card ProcessingInformational motion graphics video.

My role:  Supervisor, Writer.

Ad that ran in financial industry publications, such as American Banker. As a financial institution with the responsibility of securing customer personal data, banks can’t risk housing that data in a place that is vulnerable to hacking, hurricane, or to the simple “strike of a match.”  Securing their data in the Gladiator cloud, located in the mountains of Missouri, means that it’s always secure. 

My role: Supervisor, Writer.

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